Privacy Policy for Google Home

This privacy policy describes how Smart Window protects your privacy («you», «the user») and your data. Before using any of our Google Home Actions, please read this policy, as well as the Google Home Terms of Use and Google’s privacy policies. With regard to Google, «Google Home» refers to its Google voice service, which includes third-party services (such as our actions) and other related software. By using our action, you fully accept this privacy policy.


When you use our action, you have to interact with Google Home or Google Assistant. This voice input is sent to Google and to us, where we use it to understand what actions our action should take for you. This is absolutely necessary for our service to provide you with an appropriate response.


We never collect or share personal data about the usage of our action for specific purposes. The services of our action are solely intended for the control of our products and gathering information that they provide using Google as the language comprehension engine.


Our action may change or be updated at any time. Additionally, this Privacy Policy may change. You can find a link to this policy on the action description page in the Google Assistant application. Continued use of our action after changes to the Privacy Policy or the action itself will be considered as your acceptance of both.

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