Terms of Use for Google Home


These Terms of Use are an agreement between you (the «user») and Smart Window (Smart Button). Before using our action on Google, please read this agreement and our Google Actions Privacy Policy. With regard to Google, «Google Home» refers to its Google voice service, which includes third-party services (such as our actions) and other related software. By using our action, you fully accept these Terms of Use.


Our action may be interrupted at any time or may contain errors. You use our action at your own risk.


Our action may change or be updated at any time. Additionally, our Terms of Use may change. You can find a link to this agreement on the action description page in the Google Assistant application or in the Google store. Continued use of our action after changes to the Terms of Use or the action itself will be considered as your acceptance of both.

For you

We love developing Actions for you. And we love making your life easier and more comfortable by using innovative digital services.

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